Offset that corresponds to the first byte beyond the length of a computer file.
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Spatial statistical signal analysis.
Object-relational mapping framework for NeXTSTEP and OpenStep.
1This result corroborates the relation among induced EOF, concentration polarization, and limiting-current behavior.
2This approach was effective under both normal and reverse EOF situations and adapted to real samples.
3The EOF pump was successfully used as a means of introducing samples into a capillary system.
4The model demonstrates that spatial variations of electrical double layer properties induce the nanoscale vortices and nonlinear EOF.
5A stronger EOF in the presence of LiCl is found to originate essentially in a stronger anionic selectivity of the pore.
6Our work provides a new and easy way to control EOF in protein nanopores, without resorting to chemical modifications of the pore.
7The strength of EOF depends on the applied voltage, on the salt concentration, and, interestingly, on the nature of the cations in solution.
8Starace said he expects former Metroweb shareholder F2i to exercise its option to buy up to 30 percent of EOF.